The Psychology of Addiction

in addiction •  9 months ago  (edited)





Assalamoalaikum friends. Today we are going to talk about something called addiction. Now think that you have a toy or a game that you love so much you want to play with it all the time. Addiction is a bit like that but it involves things that are not always good for us like eating too much candy or playing video games for too long.

When someone is addicted to something they feel like they really, really need it even if its not good for them. Its like when you crave your favorite ice cream and canot stop thinking about it. But think that feeling being so strong that you canot think of anything else. Thats how powerful addiction can be. Its not just wanting something a lot it is a feeling like you canot live without it.

Addiction happens because sometimes the things people get addicted to can make them feel really good or forget their worries for a little while. It is like when you hug your teddy bear and feel happy. But unlike the warm feeling from hugging a teddy bear the happiness from addiction does not last long and people need more and more of it to feel okay. Thats why it is a problem.

In Conclusion it is important to remember that people who are struggling with addiction need help and kindness just like someone who is sick. We should be understanding and caring towards them. And for ourselves it is good to enjoy things like games and treats but always in a way that is healthy and doesnot take over our lives. Just like too much ice cream can give you a tummy ache too much of anything's not good.

So lets all try to live happily and healthily.

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