Bend of the River (1952)

in action •  9 days ago 

by @classx on ClassX
View my bio on Bend of the River  (1952)

Rated: PG
Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Romance, Western
Stars: James Stewart, Rock Hudson, Arthur Kennedy

When a town boss confiscates homesteaders' supplies after gold is discovered nearby, a tough cowboy risks his life to try and get it to them.

Two men with questionable pasts, Glyn McLyntock and his friend Cole, lead a wagon-train load of homesteaders from Missouri to the Oregon territory. They establish a settlement outside of Portland and as winter nears, it is necessary for McLyntock and Cole to rescue and deliver food and supplies being held in Portland by corrupt officials. On the trip back to the settlement, up river and over a mountain, Cole engineers a mutiny to divert the supplies to a gold mining camp for a handsome profit. — Herman Seifer

Director: Anthony Mann
Writers: Borden Chase, William Gulick
Production company: Universal International Pictures (UI)
More info on IMDb:

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