Newlyn PLC Makes a Pledge to Lie - Idrees De-pledge is a known Fraudster

in actifit •  18 days ago 

NOTICE AND DEMAND 14-06-2024 Ref CL58167656 Crime Number 2425281/14
Dear Court Manager (Manchester City Magistrate's Court) [email protected]
The evidence suggest, that your illegal bailiff Idrees Omeron Depledge, is being willingly abused to do extortion, by a proven violent pedo-sexual gang, falsely and repeatedly using the authority of the court as cover. And several of whom have been jailed thus far -

I require a copy of YOUR Agent's HMCTS ID card, along with the alleged Warrant or in the alternative, his superiors, be dealt with in front of a jury, pursuant to s.135 of the County Court Act 1984, with reasonable t sum for costs and aggravated damages to myself @ £1,000.00 per day from each man and / or woman acting as tortfeasor, from the inception of the fraud on October 3rd 2013, to final conclusion.
And the Manchester Cty Magistrates' Court cannot continue to be harboring illegal enforcement agents as exposed here, harassing members of the public on the false claim to court authority.
The court's aanti-fraud policy must be invoked and our position restored.
:Anthony :Badaloo
cc to whom it may concern - All Rights Reserved
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