Back to your (phone) Roots

in actifit •  last month 

Your mobile phone is a handicapped device.
Many awesome capabilities have been actively disabled by the small group of individuals, who have a narcissistic control over our lives and property.

First they muffled the FM radio. Then soldered the batteries in place.

Then your standard 3.55MM Jack is gone on nearly all models.

Funny how all the big companies all make the same adverse decision at the same time 🤣

Ultimately, they make us an inferior used, and reserve the SUPERUSER (Root) for themselves, as we are apparently too stupid to manage our own needs.

Fortunately, there are many opensource projects out there which can reverse (JAILBREAK) the phone and take back control.

One such is MAGISK, with instructions on YouTube, how to remove the parasitic trackers, which exploit your safety, and drain your battery life.

🗽 🗽 🗽

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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