My Actifit Report Card: January 3 2024

in actifit •  6 months ago 
Today was the 3rd of January and the year was 2024 Today there was a lot of fog in our area in the morning Due to the fog there was a terrible accident in our area where a cyclist hit another cyclist knocking both unconscious and one broke his leg and the other a broken arm At that time it was eight o'clock in the morning but the fog was so thick that nothing could be seen The accident happened near our house, which we immediately found out and took a cot from our house and laid both of them on it The good thing is that both survived


In the morning I first lit the fire in my kitchen, then made tea and made parathas in Kashmiri ghee Children ate parathas with curd with great enthusiasm After 10 o'clock the fog will clear and the weather will be beautiful


I will be busy with household chores Children will start blooming in the courtyard of the house Neighbors' children also come forward to open the house I took some pictures of the children while they were walking and playing Today I also washed my clothes, at that time the sun came out but it was still very cold


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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