My Actifit Report Card: March 3 2023

in actifit •  last year 

Hair and makeup for today's blog.

Hi to all my friends ACTIFITERS have a great day to all. I have a client today for a home service that is not really far away. I did hair and makeup for these lovely children. My clients are so nice; she gives a big tip, and they feed me lunch and then snack time, but I was so busy I didn't eat snack time, so she gave me some to take home. When I came home, I saw that my cats looked hungry, so I fed them bread from my client.

Before and after.

This is my part time job for my every day work. She is Grade six elementary, look so pretty and she likes her makeup on.



The queen before and after.

She is the one who win for money contest simple girl, in elegant purple gown she is so pretty.



This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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