life is full of unexpected sorrows :My Actifit Report Card: December 20 2023

in actifit •  7 months ago 

Hello everyone.

So today , i did like nothing till 1 pm. Then i had lunch and went to main village. Then me and my friend went to field where we played cricket till 5pm.

Then i came back and when i entered in my house, i saw that there is a little quantity of milk remained.

After that i called my friends house number and i told them if you have any milk left and they said come and take we have.

I went to their house and when i take milk and was about to leave i then saw that the angel girl is sleeping. I told them why is she sleeping because it is not right time now and they said that ahe is sick. And also they told me that there is no car or any kind of vehicle available in which we can take her to doctor.

So, me and her family members took her to the doctor.

This is the clinic(1st picture) where doctor stays. He is very experienced. I remember when i was child, i had some infection in my throat and we then visits to same doctor.

Let's come back to todays situation.
After he saw the situation of the girl, he prescribed some medicine and we took that medicine and came back to home.

Then i did some work at home like cooking, and some other work.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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