Customer service and Dad jokes...

in actifit •  last year 

Lots of walking today. And this wasn't even my full day of moving. Had a meeting this morning and then met up with my business partner for lunch. We caught up Nd just had a good chat. Have not seen him since last year in person. Then I used the day to sort out some admin.

Shops were my first stop to do some returns. Then it was off to the hardware it was for me. I headed to builders warehouse, one of the bigger hardware chains. I huge ass store filled with staff who refuse to make eye contact with you. Was Looking for those fold up washing lines, but no luck. Not must stock mostly retractables and a bunch of clothes horses. Then I got some mesh for the gates, so the leaves and papers from the street don't fly into the yard. Guys could not find there measuring tape. And two guys spent the good part of 5 mins looking for it. I asked if they both were married. The one guy reckoned unfortunately yes. I said, aah that explains why you both can't find anything. Needless to say they were both not impressed and didn't find it funny. I did though. 🤣🤣😂 Then off to the pest control section where I found the first guy to actually want to make eye contact with me. I commended him on his bravery! Aaah the joys of the service industry.

Back home, cooking, playing, bath time etc. And now I'm off to bed.

Good night world, keep warm

I leave you with a dad joke ..

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