My Actifit Report Card: April 22 2023 - Alta and Nadine

in actifit •  last year 

Long day today, went to a party then a restaurant. But first, 2 awesome women!

First we have Alta Sweet doing one of her energetic dances in a bright red outfit. How many times does she whip her hair around like helicopter blades? I count 4.

Next we have Nadine Breaty using a filter to turn herself into an anime cartoon girl. Nothing intellectual going on here, it's just something light and fun for a Saturday night. People lik it. 3 Million views!

So back to my day. I was at a birthday party for many hours. I don't think I sat down once! I was walking around talking to people. And there was a tramopline so of course I was jumping around on that. I'm into jumping around!

After the party where I didn't eat much because I'm nit really into sugary snacks and junk food, I was hungry so I took 2 friends out ti dinner. The food was good but I ordered a lot because I was hungry after the party.

Finally I took a walk like I usually do. Now that I think of it, I did workout a bit before the party so my muscles were pumped. Kina vain but I wanted to look good in my Bitcoin T-shirt.

I hope your weekend is awesome!


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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