Got value?

in actifit •  2 years ago 

Today on a long walk (towards the spring) I was primarily occupied by thoughts of value and society. Even I, an individualist to the core, have to reluctantly admit that, if one wants to achieve things greater than mere survival (if even that), one does need a society after all.

I don't remember which specific animals this was about, but I like the analogy that society is much like a pile of animals that seek the centre of the pile to stay warm, but they can't stay in the centre of the pile for too long, because then the weight of the pile starts to crush them. And so we too do the same dance - try to keep ourselves warm without getting squished and injured by the pressure of society at the same time.

It would be so convenient for me to just focus on the price, the limits and the utterly co-dependent nature of society, but it would be absolutely ungrateful and frankly arrogantly naive of me not to recognise how I have benefited from society functioning as it has. And I'm also painfully aware that I cannot take it all for granted, as it all could just as easily come crumbling down any minute now.

Manosphere absolutely loves to sink their teeth in and laugh at old, single, childless, infertile useless princess like myself that has long since hit the wall. They get a kick out of laughing about how delusionas and unaware we are.

But I doubt they realise how much of a product of our times we are, what lies have we been fed by the same society that raised us and that realising we've been lied to, and seeing things clearly for what they are do not magically provide solutions. And here we are. So what now?

And what use does the society has of all these hoards of useless princesses? What value can we provide 'if'/when society collapses and shit hits the fan?

Welp, I guess I die. xD

Don't get me wrong I still hold on to a sliver of delusional hope that somehow it would be possible to navigate this free fall of globalism in a reasonably decent manner and that somehow there's still some value added that I can contribute so that I'm not a net negative in my existence, but who's to say how the cookie's going to crumble..

I do still believe a society based on volunteerism would be a better way to go about things and I still want to believe in bitcoin and hive as the alternative solutions, but taking into consideration how severely would the mineral extraction be affected should the global supply chains go completely offline.. I didn't think even bitcoiners and hivers are ready for that kind of reality and the subsequent implications.

I guess the best I can do is to learn as much as I can while we still have access to this treasure trove of knowledge, learn skills and hope for the best.

Apologies for a rather depressing post today, this is just something I've been mulling over for a while and needed to write down to gain some structure and clarity.. I once used to laugh in Uni times that I don't know what I'm thinking until I put it down in writing. So this is it. This is Josie's brain on society, value and her place in it all..


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