Abril Contest Week 2 Entry: A Horror Story (The Demonic Rituals)

in abrilcontest •  3 years ago 

Good day everyone, specially to all my avid readers and to all people behind this wonderful and enjoyable contest. Last time, i presented to you all my Love but full of Apocalypse stories just like zombies here in Blurt Community. Today, i presented to you another story that is related to the topics. The title of the story was based in my own understanding shown in the related topics. Also, my story supported in arts form.
The rituals mostly used in dark magic. Most people performed this was group of tribe people especially those who believe in Gods and Goddesses. Most of them handled books full of rites on rituals in order to perform correctly. Now, the story goes like this.
Long time ago, the world is full of black magic. There was a small village hidden in the middle of the jungle. Only few people who are very Noble and rich at that time. That time also, many people killed without any reason. And burried them anywhere either in the cave or in the bushes area. That is why many people performed rituals to protect themselves from bad people. But as the time passed by, the owner of the book of rituals were weaken and some of them burried thier ritual materials. As the years go by, thier was a group of men and women taking a vacation on that place. When accidentally one of them found a dusty books placing in a hole.
They are soo very curios about it and they unearthed the rest of it. When they gathered the pieces, they started to read whats inside of that book. As they read , the wind started to swept and a thunderstorm and rain followed after. They rush to an old house so that they wont get wet. As they entered the house, that place filled with creepy scene just kike candles, dark and dusty place. Luckily, one of them brings a flashlight. As they starring of the things they unearthed, they heard a crying lady at the stairs.
They started to fear, one of them told others to stop reading the book they found because he suspects that the girl crying in the room was part of the ghost or any bad spirit. They placed the book on the top of the table and started to sleep. But as the munite goes by, they heard a walking person and a sound of a chain in it.
And they hid and keep in silence. A moment later its gone. But as they showed up, the things on that old house begun to float in the air and crush in front of them. They are very scared and again they heard a girl shouting in a dark room.
They shouted for not bothering them. And they say sorry for the ritual things they unearthed.

And they burned it and a very black smoked appeared in front of them. That time the weather calm and there is no sound or any noise already.
And the morning came and they leaved that place. The end.

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Voted by @BlurtCuration.
Curated by @freakeao - see this comment.
Thanks for posting!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Kakatakot naman yan.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Salamat at nadama mo ang takot sa story ko nay.. ibig sabihin medyo magaling na akong bumou ng stirya..😊😊

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for participating in AbrilContes, especially for the effort to create original content for the platform. I love the artistic approach that gives the story its own personality. Good luck in the contest

Curated by @freakeao.
Para el colectivo @Blurthispano.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for appreciating my post. 😊😊

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

please paste the link of your post in the blurtlatam post related to the contest.

Thank you for participating in the contest. I really liked the story and appreciate the effort to make it by giving it a special touch with your own drawings. Congratulations.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you so much for appreciating my post.. 😊😊

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias por compartir tu publicación en #Blurt. Tu esfuerzo significa mucho para nosotros; por eso has recibido un voto positivo.

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