in abrilcontest •  3 years ago 

Hey guys
Mufasa here🤘

How are you guys i hope you guys are doing good and also take care of your family too.I an also a little busy with my job but But i like to be on the blurt. So let's talk about today's post which is related to a contest and the theme is "TALE OF TERROR". Firstly I would like to say thanks to @blurtatam who has started this contest and he is doing this contest every week.
So here is my entry to this April week contest🤘


There was a boy named Nadeem who was 11 years old. He lived in Delhi North, the capital city of India. He has 4 member in his house including him, his mother, his dad and a younger brother. His mother is a housewife and his father has a shop of medical stores. Nadeem was very fond of drawings, so after coming home from school, he used to do drawings and colorings. Then he used to bring good marks in school, his father used to give him a lot of colours packets or small racing cars.


This is the story of 2006 when Nadeem came home from school and he came to know that his mother is admitted in the hospital because her baby delivery date has arrived. As soon as he reached the hospital with his father, he came to know that one of his sweetest sister is going to come in this world.Now one member in his family has grown. His father was very happy as this was his first daughter. After that giving all the expenses of the hospital, his father brought everyone home.All the relatives were also very happy and they all had a party together
Then a few months later, when all was normal, one day the cousin sister of Nadeem came with her husband. It was afternoon, Everyone was eating food, Then some voices started coming from below When we all looked down, we found that the father of Nadeem is shouting with someone, and that man was talking very rudely. On seeing this, the cousin of Nadeem went down to stopped the fight. Then all of them went down including me, There was too much crowd and too much shooting. Seeing all this, Nadeem started crying and went upstairs and sneaked his face in the couch and said, "God, why is this all happening"?. The. Suddenly he got voice from behind and she said that "This is just the beginning". After hearing this Nadeem panic and stands up. when he looked back, no one was there then he saw his eyes on the store area, which was covered with a blanket. Laughing sound come from behind the blanket. Nadeen fainted as soon as he heard the sound. After that, when his eyes opened, he found himself with his mother hands and all the other relatives were standing and watching him.

When everyone asked him what had happened to him, but he does not remember anything. Then after a few days Nadeem's health started deteriorating and his entire body is to be yellow and for that reason he was not able to go to school either. He was in ill for around 2 weeks. Then something strange happened in the house like there is always a red blood on the stairs in their house. Dogs used to cry at 12 o'clock at night daily. Nadeem Mother did not have good dreams at night. His father's business was also not running properly. Then slowly slowly the things were blunder. One day Nadeem was in the kitchen with his mother and his young sister was sleeping on the bed. Suddenly a voice came out of the bedroom, Nadeem and his mother went to the bedroom and they saw their daughter fall from the bedroom. But how is that possible? because she is only a 6 months old she can't turn. The mother laid his sister on the bed and placed pillows all around her.Then her mother went back to the kitchen carrying Nadeem. After a while, again there was a sound of something falling, They both went to the bedroom again and saw that their daughter fell down after covering pillows all around. how is that happen?. The mother laid her back on the bed and told me to Nadeem to take care of him. Then she went again to the kitchen and started cooking. Suddenly, his mother eyes went to the kitchen top's shelf and she saw a girl lying on the shelf, who wear a red bridal dress. Mother was scared to see this and came out of the kitchen. Then she call nadeem father. He came and checked in the kitchen but he didn't see anyone. After a few days, Nadeem's mother is realize that there is someone else here besides her family. But she could not do anything because no one was sure about her concern.

Then one day a very strong thunderstorm came and all the window glasses in the house are broke . Surprisingly, red blood was coming out of those windows. And this time his father also saw that then he decided to leave the house. Nadeem's family was facing lot of problems. Then one day something happened that nobody thought, It was night and everyone was eating food, when a voice came from outside the house ,"CHOTI" "CHOTI" "CHOTI".Nadeem father looked through the window but nobody there. After that everyone going to sleep. Nadeem Mom and His Younger Brother & Sister were sleeping on the bed and their father was sleeping on the floor. Then Nadeem's eyes opened and he saw that someone was standing near a door.When he looked carefully, he showed that a bride is in front. Then he saw that his father wake up and called him, Nadeem noticed that the bride's hands and feet are tied with rope. But even after that, she sat near his father.
His father is telling his financial problems and Nadeem is watching all the scene carefully when suddenly the bride's eye saw Nadeem.And then Nadeem fainted and after that when he opened his eyes, he found himself in the hospital.He remembers everything but he does not know how to explain it. Because he feels that this was a nightmare or a reality.After 1/2 month, Nadeem's family left the house because one elderly person told them that this house is haunted.

After they left, 3 boys are stay at the house. In the starting they did not feel anything like that Then one day 2 boys went to sleep on the terrace and one guys was sleeping in the room.Suddenly he got a voice and he blew away, Then he saw that the bride is standing at the door.The boy asked who are you and why are you tying your hands and feet. But there was no response from the front, then he also called the bride to him.Then it was morning and the boys who were sleeping on the terrace got down, but they did not find that boy. When both of them started coming down from the house, they found their friend unconscious on the stairs And his whole body was convert into blue. When he took him to hospital, the doctors refused, then he took him to a Baba He checked that boy, then the whole story was understood because that bride had possess the boy.
Then the girl told that she was married many years ago and when she was brought to that house, because of not giving dowry, her husband and her mother in law burnt him alive by tying his arms and legs Because of which her soul torments everyone.When Nadeem's father came to know about this, he came home to tell all the story to his wife and he thanked the GOD that he saved us all from this problem.
Today that boy named Nadeem has turned 25 years old and he is blogging on the Blurt Block Chain nowadays.

I just share the story to you so please don't judge me or anyone.
I hope you guys like my post and if you like then please vote .You guys can also follow me on







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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias por compartir tu publicación en #Blurt. Tu esfuerzo significa mucho para nosotros; por eso has recibido un voto positivo.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for participating in the #Abrilcontest contest, success with your publication and we look forward to your participation next week.