RE: El Sacrificio / Die Opferung / The Sacrifice by @Gremayo (ES-DE-ES) - Entry to @Blurtlatam´s #AbrilContest

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El Sacrificio / Die Opferung / The Sacrifice by @Gremayo (ES-DE-ES) - Entry to @Blurtlatam´s #AbrilContest

in abrilcontest •  3 years ago 

Hmm...It is still happening in secluded provinces, though people would not believe it. It's a kinda voodoo.. women, especially the virgins are their likely offerings for their rituals. Thanks for sharing your story.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hahaha... until you see it with your own eyes...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes ate... in the provinces, more stories like this will likely come out....out of ones perception of someone´s imagination. Thank you for dropping-by and for the support.