State Funeral of Japan for Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe - 09272022

in abe •  2 years ago 

「昨日スウェーデンのアンナ・ハルベリ大臣は、安倍元首相の国葬に🇸🇪を代表し参列いたしました。大臣はその後、岸田首相、安倍昭恵夫人に哀悼の意をお伝えしました。🇸🇪と🇯🇵の関係は強く、両国は多くの点で似ています。」- スウェーデン大使館

Anne Hallberg - Twitter

"Today I had the honour to represent 🇸🇪 at the state funeral of former 🇯🇵 PM Shinzo Abe. Afterwards, I expressed my condolences to current PM @kishida230
, and the widow of PM Abe. Swedish-Japanese relations are strong and our countries are likeminded in so many ways. "

Yesterday, a state funeral was held in Japan for former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The representative from Sweden, Ms. Anne Hallberg, also participated in the ceremony. I hope that the bilateral relationship between Sweden and Japan will be strengthened. 👏

Mr. Abe's state funeral was a major swell that divided public opinion in Japan. Although the decision-making process, in which the Diet did not deliberate on the matter and only the Cabinet decided to hold a state funeral, was problematic and left an ambiguous impression to the public, I feel it was a good thing that the funeral was held this time. Still, I have always had a problem with the decision-making process conducted by the Japanese, and it reminds me of the government of the 1942s when the country was plunged into war.

I feel that the very ambiguous and unilateral decision-making approach taken by PM Kishida is a manifestation of Japan's bad culture. The method of making decisions on national affairs only at cabinet meetings is reminiscent of the prewar period and is ambiguous and cannot be modified. The Kishida administration, which later claimed to have the "ability to listen," gave the impression of an administration that listens to what is convenient and does not listen to what is inconvenient. It is no wonder that his approval rating is declining.

Will you be OK in the future, Kissy (It is the nickname of PM Kishida)? Well, we will see!

昨日、日本では安倍晋三前総理大臣の国葬が執り行われました。スウェーデンからも代表者であるAnne Hallbergさんが参加されたようです。 スウェーデンと日本の二国間がより強固なものになればと思います。👏

安倍さんの国葬は、日本の世論を二分させる大きなうねりとなりました。 国会審議を行わず、閣議決定だけで国葬を決めた決定プロセスには問題があり禍根を残しましたが、今回は国葬を執り行ってよかったと感じています。 それにしても、日本人の行う決定プロセスには問題がいつもあって、戦争に突入した1942年代の政府を思い出します。

岸田総理が行った、とても曖昧で単独的な意思決定方法は日本の悪い文化が出たような気がします。 閣議のみ行い、国事を決定するその方法は戦前を彷彿とさせ、修正が効かない曖昧な方法です。 その後、「聞く力」があると語る岸田政権ですが、都合がよい話は聞き、都合が悪い話は聞かない政権と言った印象を与えた様に思います。 これでは支持率は低下してもおかしくありません。

今後、キッシー、大丈夫?って思ってしまいます。 ぴえん、ってか、ぱおん。

🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦
🥦 ᛗᛁᛉᚢᛟ 🥦
🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦
🥦See you again!🥦

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