Kiwi Fruit Ninja

in aaa •  3 years ago 

Kiwi Fruit Ninja
Have you ever played the game called Fruit Ninja, its an app on phones where you slice fruit, I have only really played it briefly myself, after seeing the Grandkids playing it, but that was the inspiration for the title of this post?
As for the motivation for the post, I decided after sharing yesterdays post I needed to get some new photos and get my motivation back, I looked out the window and saw some nice color in the sky prior to sunrise so grabbed my camera bag, layered up and heading out to see if I could catch the sunrise, but the time I got out in the car the colors had faded away pretty much but I headed by the pond to see what it was like there, parked and jumped out, but not for long it was pretty cool, and as the colors weren't that special, I decided instead to head to the supermarket and saw some Kiwi Fruit and this post came to be.

Now i know Many of you call this Kiwi, but thats a pet peeve of me so here goes a little rant

A Kiwi is a small indigenous bird in New Zealand, there are f species 4 are considered vulnerable and one as life threatened, primarily due to deforestation, but currently the remaining large areas of their forest habitat are well protected in reserves and national parks. At present, the greatest threat to their survival is predation by invasive mammalian predators

The kiwi is recognized as an icon of New Zealand, and the association is so strong that the term Kiwi is used internationally as the nickname for New Zealanders.

Now the Fruit in these pictures is in fact Kiwi Fruit

Kiwifruit is native to central and eastern China where i think it was originally called Chinese gooseberry in English I am not sure what the Chinese name for it was.
The first recorded description of the kiwifruit dates to the 12th century during the Song dynasty. In the early 20th century, cultivation of kiwifruit spread from China to New Zealand, where the first commercial plantings occurred. The fruit became popular with British and American servicemen stationed in New Zealand during World War II, and later became commonly exported, first to Great Britain and then to California in the 1960s.

Now the name Kiwi Fruit was never patented or trademarked, so grower sin other country's call it, grow and market it as Kiwi Fruit as well so somewhere around 2012 the Kiwi Fruit growers in New Zealand and they now use the name Zespri for Kiwi Fruit Growing in New Zealand, but i am not sure that ever took off that well, most call it Kiwi Fruit or (grrrr) kiwi still.

The Funny thing is my Granddaughter, knows I don't like the calling of it Kiwi so she often teases me about it, the last time being a few days ago, which also got me thinking about the idea for doing this post

For these photos, I used the lightbox again

for the background for some of the shots, I used some aluminum foil which I scrunched up, then pressed back semi-flat, I sed the little Led light shown in the next photo, sitting on top of the foil, then had a plastic container sitting over that with the Kiwi Fruit sitting on top of that.

And yes you may have noticed that's not a slice of Kiwi Fruit in the image above, I also picked up some other fruit, but that will be for another post, this post is all about Kiwi fruit :)

I took shots from various angles, with different backgrounds and lighting, and am happy with how a few of them came out, for this next image I got in close and personal to show the hairy the texture of the skin

and another shot from above with different lighting and background again to highlight the hairy like a skin

And a last shot t finish of the post, and I have to admit yes Kiwi Fruit were injured during this photoshoot, and then eaten after the shoot, but I can say without a doubt in Kiwi's were harmed int the making of this post ;)

photo credit: tattoodjay

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