Repliesyayogerardo in blurtlife • 4 months agoRE: My Conversation with the Ayurvedic Doctor on the Covid VaccinesHow many COVID jabs did you take?yayogerardo in blurtlife • 4 months agoRE: My Conversation with the Ayurvedic Doctor on the Covid VaccinesYour fortune cookie is here.owasco in blurtlife • 4 months agoRE: My Conversation with the Ayurvedic Doctor on the Covid VaccinesI beg you to listen to some of us. The vaccine, the entire covid event, was a crime against humanity, blamed on nature. All false. The vaccine is a mass murder device, and has murdered many millions…mariuszkarowski in blurtlife • 4 months agoRE: My Conversation with the Ayurvedic Doctor on the Covid VaccinesAre you still alive? Or you got sick, went to the hospital and there you were murdered?olivia08 in blurtmusic • 4 years agoRE: Buddhist Chant with Tinna TinhWelcome here againolivia08 in blurtfitness • 4 years agoRE: #LiveFitChallenge2021 by Appics & ActifitFantasticoffgridlife in dogecoin • 4 years agoRE: Elon Musk announces that any settlements he makes on Mars will be powered by cryptocurrency like "Dogecoin"Would be awesome if he joined us here on Blurt.... since he tends to just Blurt stuff out.elkezaksek in blurtmusic • 4 years agoRE: La Donna del Lago - Malena ErnmannI knew that she is a opera singer, but I never heard her before.... Happy New Year!olivia08 in blurtmusic • 4 years agoRE: Grimes Hello @zanoni try to use #blurtgerman and try to meet @double-u. and many other German people.They are so great making friends with us since we have a friend @mers who speak German.jurich60 in blurtmusic • 4 years agoRE: Grimes I love it, she's beautiful!psychkrhoz in cryptocurrencies • 4 years agoRE: Olympic Gold Medalist (Diving Competition)pre-mined coins 😁😁😁 its a no for me too!😉blurtcurator in appics • 4 years agoRE: 🎄 Xmas Impressions 🎄Congratulations! This post has been upvoted by the @blurtcurator communal account, You can request a vote every 12 hours from the #getupvote channel in the official Blurt Discord .Don't wait to…ciderjunkie in blurtgerman • 4 years agoRE: Was ist da los?das mag sein :P aber steem halt :P auch wenn es einen umzug gibt wird es nicht besser :Dmeins0815 in blurtgerman • 4 years agoRE: Was ist da los?lol, yup, aber ich war noch nie auf appics also wird das vom steem übernommen...., wieder was gelernt, wusste ich nicht. auch umgekehrt? wenn jemand auf appics kommentiert sieht mans auch am steem?ciderjunkie in blurtgerman • 4 years agoRE: Was ist da los?ach ja Steem , sry ... für mich 2 Chains die gezeigt haben wie man es nicht machen sollte :P erst steem welches sich selbst verkauft hat und dann ein hive wo nun genau die jenigen es hinrichten…zanoni in blurtgerman • 4 years agoRE: Was ist da los?Bist doch Du? Oder?meins0815 in blurtgerman • 4 years agoRE: Was ist da los?dann melde das bitte an die admins von appics, ich hab dort gar keinen account! wenn mich da jemand imitiert...., da zieh ich in den KRIEG!!blurtcurator in blurtlife • 4 years agoRE: 🎄 Engelbergturm 🎄Congratulations! This post has been upvoted by the @blurtcurator communal account, You can request a vote every 12 hours from the #getupvote channel in the official Blurt Discord .Don't wait to…blurtcurator in blurtography • 4 years agoRE: 🇹🇭 Where the streets have no names... 🇹🇭Congratulations! This post has been upvoted by the @blurtcurator communal account, You can request a vote every 12 hours from the #getupvote channel in the official Blurt Discord .Don't wait to…blurtcurator in blurtlife • 4 years agoRE: 🪐 The Great Conjunction - Die Grosse Konjunktion🪐Congratulations! This post has been upvoted by the @blurtcurator communal account, You can request a vote every 12 hours from the #getupvote channel in the official Blurt Discord .Don't wait to…