Commentsrycharde in blurt • last yearRE: Birth of an InventionThey are the norm, and part of that norm is to scrub history so as to make them disappear. We are left with palimpsests.rycharde in germany • last yearRE: beware of the Germans, they´re stupidFrederick II is buried in Palermo. I thought it was black, but is red porphyry; maybe was low lighting.rycharde in r2cornell • last yearRE: What Makes Thailand Food So Tasty.MSGrycharde in blurtlife • 2 years agoRE: Alex Jones Makes Frightening Covid Prediction!was far too easy first time. next time will be even easier - and more brutal for the few dissidents.rycharde in mydailypost • 2 years agoRE: Mydailypost #362 - What do Elephants Represent in Thailand.The term "white elephant" came from a Thai gambit whereby a high-so would give an underling an expensive present, knowing that person could not afford the upkeep - such as an elephant. The underling…rycharde in blurtlife • 2 years agoRE: Suicide by Ivermectin: Can Ingestion of 100 Times the Suggested Dose Result in Death?the psycho-pharma-death-cult rolls on. thing is, to the vast majority of humans the truth looks no different to the lie - they both look like science. So they are back to their belief-programming.…rycharde in blurtlife • 2 years agoRE: "It's Not Natural" - Why Are 20% of Kids Suddenly LGBTQ?a reminder, to those who still dont get it (and perhaps never will, but worth a shot)rycharde in blurtlife • 2 years agoRE: "It's Not Natural" - Why Are 20% of Kids Suddenly LGBTQ?found it!rycharde in blurtlife • 2 years agoRE: "It's Not Natural" - Why Are 20% of Kids Suddenly LGBTQ?phthalates endocrine disruptors esp testosterone during fetal dev they really are chemically imbalanced by designrycharde in blurtlife • 2 years agoRE: Meme Warfare & REO Speedwagon - Ridin' the Storm Outthe truth is in there... note, the beam is near-infrared, hence not visible to human eyes.rycharde in caturday • 2 years agoRE: Why Do Cats Sleep So Much.twilight zone creatures they also dream... probably about catching some juicy prey.rycharde in srilanka • 2 years agoRE: Highest village in Sri LankaAvoid the tourist traps; you wouldn't need them anyway if you lived there. I've never paid to go into our own local "national park"; funnily, drive round the other side and there's a free entrance.…rycharde in crypto • 2 years agoRE: Stablecoins Vitalaltho fair comment that stablecoins are used more as parking trading funds than for payments. hence PP influence may take time.rycharde in srilanka • 2 years agoRE: How they make Cinnamon in Sri LankaCinnamon is on my list of trees to plant, just sorting out irrigation first. Similar climate to Sri Lanka, so they should do fine - coffee and cocoa too. But this rainy season hasn't, so far, been…rycharde in crypto • 2 years agoRE: Stablecoins Vital"I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of ten pounds" used to be gold, now is with another tenner. lolrycharde in crypto • 2 years agoRE: Stablecoins VitalThis still needs sorting as it just hasn't been for years. Some cryptos look like currencies, some like securities, some like utilities and some are something else - a function. The question is…rycharde in crypto • 2 years agoRE: Stablecoins VitalPenn Scrip. There were also many private coins, often mining tokens, but all based on whatever the state currency.rycharde in crypto • 2 years agoRE: Tether Unleashedinteresting. the flip side of Justice, a Nemesis for liars.rycharde in r2cornell • 2 years agoRE: The Amazing Terminal 21 Shopping Mall in Pattaya, Thailand.I see this in most malls. people there for free aircon and a spot of lunch, but inside the shops... erm, not many buyers. Em Quartier seems designed as an exit puzzle. lmaorycharde in caturday • 2 years agoRE: Mydailypost #347 - Do all breeds of cats act the same or do they have different yeah ours is a fearless psycho-bitch! But also a great mother.
RE: Birth of an Invention
RE: beware of the Germans, they´re stupid
RE: What Makes Thailand Food So Tasty.
RE: Alex Jones Makes Frightening Covid Prediction!
RE: Mydailypost #362 - What do Elephants Represent in Thailand.
RE: Suicide by Ivermectin: Can Ingestion of 100 Times the Suggested Dose Result in Death?
RE: "It's Not Natural" - Why Are 20% of Kids Suddenly LGBTQ?
RE: "It's Not Natural" - Why Are 20% of Kids Suddenly LGBTQ?
RE: "It's Not Natural" - Why Are 20% of Kids Suddenly LGBTQ?
RE: Meme Warfare & REO Speedwagon - Ridin' the Storm Out
RE: Why Do Cats Sleep So Much.
RE: Highest village in Sri Lanka
RE: Stablecoins Vital
RE: How they make Cinnamon in Sri Lanka
RE: Stablecoins Vital
RE: Stablecoins Vital
RE: Stablecoins Vital
RE: Tether Unleashed
RE: The Amazing Terminal 21 Shopping Mall in Pattaya, Thailand.
RE: Mydailypost #347 - Do all breeds of cats act the same or do they have different characteristics.