BlogHide Reblurtspahlawan-aceh in blurt • 2 years agoKepikSaat saya memburu foto-foto tentang animal di hutan saya menemukan binatang yang bernama kepik dan saya mem foto binatang tersebut cuma satu lembar saja, begitu saya foto binatang ini langsung…pahlawan-aceh in photography • 3 years agopomegranate seed flower photoI took a photo of a pomegranate seed leaf flower so the leaf color is green and the flower orange, this pomegranate seed flower grows in front of my house and I take a photo of the pomegranate seed…pahlawan-aceh in blurt • 3 years agomacrophotography|aphidsYesterday I went looking for a photo in a forest near my house and I found an aphid animal standing on a word flower that took a photo of it using an extreme macro lens, this is the result of…pahlawan-aceh in photography • 3 years agoFoto bibit durianBibit durian ini untuk dijual kepada pembeli dan bibit ini dikirim dari Sumatera Utara harga jualnya tergantung panjang nah yang kita lihat ini harga durian rp25.000 per satu batang pohon durian…pahlawan-aceh in blurt • 3 years agoFoto warung kopiSaya duduk di warung kopi untuk minum jadi saya melihat di warung kopi sangat sepi penikmat kopi karena ini masih siang orang masih pada sibuk kerja semua nanti biasa di sini di warung ini waktu…pahlawan-aceh in photography • 3 years agolizard photoLast night I was sitting I saw a lizard standing on the wall and I took a photo of the lizard friend @blurtpahlawan-aceh in photography • 3 years agowedding party photoYesterday I went to a wedding in my village and yesterday at noon people were very busy with new blood coming from the old pusung village, so when it was busy I wanted to take photos, yesterday I…pahlawan-aceh in photography • 3 years agoFoto menanam bibit jagungSaya kemarin Memfoto tumbuhan bibit jagung di kebun paman saya dan saya ingin menanam bibit jagung seperti ini karena ini seperti investasi juga menanam jagung, jagung merupakan makanan pokok juga…pahlawan-aceh in photography • 3 years agobarbershop photoon that day I went to want to obey me, the deepest wanted to cut my hair in one of the places in Lhokseumawe Aceh Indonesia who gave charity at the location of menasah mee, Muaradua sub-district…pahlawan-aceh in photography • 3 years agomotorbike parking photoI went to the school house which is in SMA 4 when I came there were a lot of motorbikes parked in the school yard and my signature was in a meeting, at school and I want to take a photo of a…pahlawan-aceh in blurt • 3 years agoFoto kue jala timphan balenKue ini namanya ialah kue jala timphan balen, jadi kue ini di buat dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan tepung dan di dalam tegah Nya di taruh kelapa di dalamnya dan kue di balut, selesai di balut kue…pahlawan-aceh in blurt • 3 years agophoto hunting photoYesterday I went hunting for photos with a friend and I want a photo of a friend while taking photos of animals in the meadow, this is how we seriously look for everyday photos in the field or in…pahlawan-aceh in photography • 3 years agoladybug beetlehello friends how are you all? today I hunted for photos of insect-type animals, I went to the forest in Aceh, the distance from my house is very far, just as I was looking there was a Landy bug…pahlawan-aceh in photography • 3 years agohome decoration photofriend, I went to a friend's house and I saw that in the living room it was on display like an antique that was bought by the owner of the house, this antique was long in the living room so that it…pahlawan-aceh in photography • 3 years agobanana chips photofriends, have you ever eaten chips, surely those who have known how it tastes like chips, these chips are made from old bananas, the method is to peel the bananas first, then scrape the bananas and…pahlawan-aceh in photography • 3 years agophoto of the scenery around the complexthis is the condition of the scenery around the location of the company's housing complex, and inside the complex there is a school house.pahlawan-aceh in photography • 3 years agosleeping kitten photoI took a photo of a sleeping kitten, this cat is a house pet, so I took some of these kittens my best friend.pahlawan-aceh in photography • 3 years agocar crash photoYesterday I took some photos of the car being hit and the crowd was watching the car being pushed sideways. this car was very badly damaged as a result of being hit by this car friends…pahlawan-aceh in photography • 3 years agophoto of the atmosphere the road is a bit quiettoday I was sitting in a shop I saw on the road a bit deserted highway users, I just took a few photos my friend @blurtpahlawan-aceh in photography • 3 years agophoto of papaya plantYesterday I took a photo of a papaya child planted around the school yard and I took some photos of the papaya plant, this is the result of a photo of a papaya child that I took friends of…