Repliesdsc-r2cornell in blurt-192372 • 2 days agoRE: [Eng/Esp] Recycling paper tubes/Reciclando tubos de papelCongratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community. Curated by abiga554 !r2cornell_curation_banner.png Enhorabuena, su…jazminru in blurt-1845409 • 4 days agoRE: Mis imágenes 📸Igualmente 🥰 gracias por la visita ❤️jcchelme in blurtgerman • 5 days agoRE: 13000 BlurtPower - Delegation Raffle / Delegationsverlosung #1614 (incl. Winner of #1606)Muchas Gracias @mc5punk🤗🥰blurtconnect-ng in blurthispano • 5 days agoRE: [Eng/Esp] Short story: The Language of Broken Bodies/Microrelato: El Lenguaje de los Cuerpos Rotos Thank you for sharing such great content!dsc-r2cornell in blurthispano • 19 days agoRE: [Eng/Esp] Short story: GHOST CODE: THE HIDDEN NETWORK OF THE DIGITAL GODSCongratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community. Curated by abiga554 !r2cornell_curation_banner.png Enhorabuena, su…jadeaca in blurthispano • 25 days agoRE: [Eng/Esp] New drawing: Link not Zelda/Nuevo dibujo: Link más no ZeldaAnother nice drawing once again! I'm not a big Legend of Zelda fan, maybe because I have never played it before, but I like how cute the character turned out. Have a nice day! :-)appreciator-app in blurthispano • 27 days agoRE: [Eng/Esp] New Drawing: Michey Mouse/Nuevo dibujo: Michey Mouse2 votesjcchelme in blurt-192372 • last monthRE: [Eng/Esp] Method to restore coins/Método para restaurar monedas Genial, justo necesito un método para limpiar unas monedas que encontré. Oye una pregunta, hay una moneda que dice 500 pesos , se parece muchísimo a las que tenemos nosotros aquí en mi país en…ollasysartenes in blurtgerman • last monthRE: 13000 BlurtPower - Delegation Raffle / Delegationsverlosung #1577 (incl. Winner of #1569)Thank you Posted fromtestarasta in blurtgerman • last monthRE: 13000 BlurtPower - Delegation Raffle / Delegationsverlosung #1574 (incl. Winner of #1566)Thank you. Posted fromayesha24 in blurtgerman • 2 months agoRE: 13000 BlurtPower - Delegation Raffle / Delegationsverlosung #1573 (incl. Winner of #1565)Thank you so much!hugo1954 in blurtgerman • 2 months agoRE: 13000 BlurtPower - Delegation Raffle / Delegationsverlosung #1571 (incl. Winner of #1563)Thanks for stopping by. Posted fromjadeaca in blurt-192372 • 2 months agoRE: [Eng/Esp]Creating boxes with recycled materials/Creando cajas con materiales recicladosAnother cool project! I always like seeing the interesting things you make. :)ayram in blurt-192372 • 2 months agoRE: [Eng/Esp] Top 5 musical - January, 2025/ Top 5 musical - enero, 2025¡Queremos leerte! Entra y publica tus artículos con nosotros. Vota por el witness @cosmicboy123ayram in blurthispano • 2 months agoRE: [Eng/Esp] Short story: Covacha-Con: An Epic Disaster/Microrelato: La Covacha-Con: Un Desastre Épic¡Queremos leerte! Entra y publica tus artículos con nosotros. Vota por el witness @cosmicboy123jadeaca in blurt-192372 • 2 months agoRE: [Eng/Esp] Creating a bag with recycled materials/Creando un bolso con materiales recicladosNice project! It turned out looking good! When I make recycled homemade things, one starts to use their own craft more often everyday instead of what they bought because of their love that they put…bastilin in blurt-192372 • 2 months agoRE: [Eng/Esp] Creating a bag with recycled materials/Creando un bolso con materiales recicladosEsta muy buena la idea, y esta genial el resultado. Yo también hago lo mismo con materiales reciclados jajaja.ayram in blurtart • 2 months agoRE: [Eng/Esp] Short story: The treasure among the trash/[Eng/Esp] Microrelato: El tesoro entre la basu¡Queremos leerte! Entra y publica tus artículos con nosotros. Vota por el witness @cosmicboy123ayram in blurthispano • 2 months agoRE: [Eng/Esp] Short story: Under the Stars: An Otaku Debate¡Queremos leerte! Entra y publica tus artículos con nosotros. Vota por el witness @cosmicboy123jadeaca in blurthispano • 2 months agoRE: [Eng/Esp] New Drawing: Pokemon Sphere/Nuevo dibujo: Esfera PokemonThe process looks quite complicated but the result looks cool! I'm not the biggest Pokemon fan, or at least, I've never played it before haha. Although I like how you still did the light reflection…