BlogHide Reblurtsgentrywemimo in writing • last yearLast boyFakhar is the last boy in we are cricket team. when we wad chased the target of other team? all team players ready to played well and went to chase the target.gentrywemimo in blog • last yearMark nunca obedeció las reglas.Mark nunca obedeció las reglas. Ignorar una señal de “no” es un hábito. Un día entró en una obra en construcción, pero un clavo le perforó el dedo del pie.gentrywemimo in writing • last yearMark n'a jamais obéi aux règlesMark n'a jamais obéi aux règles. Ignorer un panneau « interdire » est une habitude. Un jour, il entra sur un chantier de construction, mais un clou lui transperça l'orteil.gentrywemimo in writing • last yearMark never obeyed rulesMark never obeyed rules. Ignoring a "keep off" sign has been a habit. One day, he stepped into a construction site, only to have nail pierce his toe.gentrywemimo in success • last yearSecret to success ?Logo 30 Secret to success ? gentrywemimo in # blog • 10 days ago • 1 min read 10 Secret to success ? gregorygory in # success • 10 days ago • 1 min read Whatever you do, all you want is to…gentrywemimo in blog • last yearInformation Is Your FriendLife is a constantly spinning orb with an unknown stop spot, and as such obsolete ideas and thoughts are being replaced with more modern information. Hence the need to always stay informed with…gentrywemimo in life • last yearLiving life to the fullestLife is amazing when you focus on what you really want. You don’t have to give up your dreams and being stuck with things that you don’t want to do. You have a lot of options. Life has no…gentrywemimo in life • last yearLiving life to the fullestLife is amazing when you focus on what you really want. You don’t have to give up your dreams and being stuck with things that you don’t want to do. You have a lot of options. Life has no…gentrywemimo in blog • last yearSecret to success ?10 Secret to success ? gregorygory in # success • 10 days ago • 1 min read Whatever you do, all you want is to be successful. Success is the target of your activities. You want to be successful…gentrywemimo in cryptocurrencies • last yearThe Value of Cryptocurrencies Comes from Traditional Economic ResourcesCryptocurrencies have not come from heaven. Cryptocurrencies are real-world fintech use cases using blockchains under a decentralized distributed computational network. Cryptocurrencies have not…gentrywemimo in crypto • last yearThe Value of Cryptocurrencies Comes from Traditional Economic ResourcesCryptocurrencies have not come from heaven. Cryptocurrencies are real-world fintech use cases using blockchains under a decentralized distributed computational network. Cryptocurrencies have not…