Repliesrex-kibreay in blurt-188398 • 2 months agoRE: kushtia Travel - part 4.Hi @akash001 আসসালামু আলাইকুম। আশা করি ভালো আছেন। Blurt Space কমিউনিটির পক্ষ থেকে আপনাকে জানাই আন্তরিক ধন্যবাদ। আমি আশা করি আপনি খুব দ্রুত আমাদের Discord সার্ভারে জয়েন হবেন। আমাদের সঙ্গে থাকার…dsc-r2cornell in blurt-188398 • 2 months agoRE: kushtia Travel - part 4.Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community. Curated by abiga554 !r2cornell_curation_banner.png Enhorabuena, su…dsc-r2cornell in blurt-188398 • 2 months agoRE: Kushtia Travel Part-1Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community. Curated by abiga554 !r2cornell_curation_banner.png Enhorabuena, su…hasanurjaman in blurt-188398 • 2 months agoRE: Some moments spent with friends.Thank you very much for such a wonderful post.hossain4152 in blurt-188398 • 2 months agoRE: Some field work.Tobacco Thank you for sharing a beautifully crafted post.dsc-r2cornell in blurt-188398 • 2 months agoRE: Some moments of Milad cooking.Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community. Curated by abiga554 !r2cornell_curation_banner.png Enhorabuena, su…dsc-r2cornell in blurt-188398 • 2 months agoRE: A few moments of cleaning the bikeCongratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community. Curated by abiga554 !r2cornell_curation_banner.png Enhorabuena, su…khokon70 in blurt-188398 • 2 months agoRE: Noodles Picnic with Friends- Part 2.Noodles are one of my favorite foods. And you did a great post about the Noodles Picnic with Friends. We should all enjoy spending some time with friends, it keeps us in good spirits. And ate…raza01 in blurt-188398 • 2 months agoRE: Noodles with Friends Some Beautiful Moments.- Part 1Wonderfulfizz.vai in blurt-188398 • 3 months agoRE: Some moments of fishing, part 2.আপনার একাউন্টে যথেষ্ট পরিমাণে #blurt-power পড়ে আছে।আপনি blurtpower এর অপচয় না করে আমাদের @blurtspace একাউন্টে ডেলিগেশন করুন এবং আপনার উপার্জন বৃদ্ধি করুন।a-h-p in blurt-188398 • 3 months agoRE: Some moments of fishing, part 2.Your Some moments of fishing post is very beautiful.dsc-r2cornell in blurt-188398 • 3 months agoRE: Something about going to a concert with older brothers.Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community. Curated by abiga554 !r2cornell_curation_banner.png Enhorabuena, su…hasanurjaman in blurt-188398 • 3 months agoRE: A picture taken while trimming a village cousin's mustacheTnx bro🥴hasanurjaman in blurt-188398 • 3 months agoRE: Some moments of photography with a friend.Onk sundor bondu🫂hasanurjaman in blurt-188398 • 3 months agoRE: moment of having something to eat at the hotel with friends.Waw very nice postramim60 in blurt-188398 • 3 months agoRE: Some moments of photography with a friend.It was very beautiful.hasanurjaman in blurt-188398 • 3 months agoRE: Some beautiful moments of the afternoon.Veerry niccehossain4152 in blurt-188398 • 3 months agoRE: Some moments from the market.Thank you brother for sharing a very nice post with usfizz.vai in blurt-188398 • 3 months agoRE: The moment of eating pie with friends.আপনার blurt এর পাওয়ার গুলো ফেলে না রেখে আমাদের ডেলিগেশন একাউন্টে ডেলিগেশন করতে পারেন। এটা করলে আমাদের সকলের জন্যই অনেক বেশি ভালো হবে। আমাদের ডেলিগেশন একাউন্ট এর নাম @blurtspace প্রত্যেক সপ্তাহে…ramim60 in blurt-188398 • 3 months agoRE: It's time to break down the old road and build a new one.The village atmosphere is very nice to present here. Enjoy reading more of your posts.