dBlurt | v0.9.11 | Encoding/Decoding Memo

in blurt-101010 •  2 years ago 


A few days ago, on the Blurt Discord server's #dev channel, @khrom asked about the technical and conceptual aspects of how private memo messages work.

It's important to note that the encryption of the memo field in a transfer operation is not performed within the Blurt blockchain. This is consistent with its sister chains. Instead, the blockchain simply records the field as it is, as specified in its open-source code (see here)

    * @ingroup operations
    * @brief Transfers BLURT from one account to another.
   struct transfer_operation : public base_operation
      account_name_type from;
      /// Account to transfer asset to
      account_name_type to;
      /// The amount of asset to transfer from @ref from to @ref to
      asset             amount;

      /// The memo is plain-text, any encryption on the memo is up to
      /// a higher level protocol.
      string            memo;

      void              validate()const;
      void get_required_active_authorities( flat_set<account_name_type>& a )const{ a.insert(from); }

After researching, I came across this update of dhive that added the Memo encryption/decrypt feature using AES. I informed him that I would be interested to integrate it to the dblurt library.

So I started to take a closer look at this Typescript code and I made some modifications to the code, resulting in a clearer and more concise code than the original. Overall, I am pleased with the outcome.

As a result of these changes, the functions encodeMemo() and decodeMemo() were added. To ensure compatibility, encrypted memo decoding tests have been successfully performed on Blurt's sister channels too. For those interested in the code I invite you to consult the merge:


The encodeMemo() and decodeMemo() functions are called directly from the library.

import { encodeMemo, decodeMemo } from "@beblurt/dblurt"

Encode Memo

The function encodeMemo() takes as parameters:

  • memo - The memo to encrypt (need to start with #).
  • senderPrivateMemoKey - The private Memo key of the sender (PrivateKey | string).
  • receiverPublicMemoKey - The publicKey Memo key of the recipient (PublicKey | string).
const memo = "#MY MEMO TO ENCODE"
const encryptedMemo = encodeMemo(memo, senderPrivateMemoKey, receiverPublicMemoKey)

Decode Memo

The function decodeMemo() takes as parameters:

  • memo - The encrypted memo to decrypt (need to start with #).
  • receiverPrivateMemoKey - The private Memo key of the recipient (PrivateKey | string).
const memo = decodeMemo(encryptedMemo, receiverPrivateMemoKey)

Example of use

To demonstrate the usage of encodeMemo() and decodeMemo()functions with Memo Keys, let's consider an example. Suppose that I want to transfer 1 BLURT from my witness account @nalexadre's wallet to the wallet of @beblurt account. For added privacy, I want to include a memo that only @beblurt can read.

To execute this operation, we'll use the dblurt library, and the code required for it is provided below.

/** import dBlurt */
import { Client, PrivateKey, PublicKey, encodeMemo } from "@beblurt/dblurt"

/** Prepare the dblurt with the RPC node to use */
const client  = new Client(['https://rpc.beblurt.com'], { timeout: 1500 })

  * Encoding the memo
const senderPrivateMemoKey = PrivateKey.from('5XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX') // @nalexadre private memo key
const receiverPublicMemoKey = PublicKey.from('BLTXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX') // @beblurt public memo key

/** Prepare the memo by adding # at the beginning to specify that the memo must be encrypted */
const memo = "#my message that only @beblurt can decode with his private MEMO key"

/** Encode the Memo */
const encryptedMemo = encodeMemo(memo, senderPrivateMemoKey, receiverPublicMemoKey)

/** Broadcast the transfer operation */
    client.broadcast.transfer({ from: 'nalexadre', to: 'beblurt', amount: '1.000 BLURT', memo: encryptedMemo}, privateActiveKey)
      .then(r => console.log(r))
      .catch(e => console.log(e))

BLURT transaction.png

After receiving the transfer, @beblurt will only need to decode the Memo using the method outlined below.

/** import dBlurt */
import { PrivateKey, decodeMemo } from "@beblurt/dblurt"

  * Decoding the memo
const receiverPrivateMemoKey = PrivateKey.from('5XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX') // @beblurt private memo key

const memo = decodeMemo(operation['memo'], receiverPrivateMemoKey)
console.log('[memo]', decodedMemo)

I also added 2 new functions in the client.condenser class which are getProposals to get the list of Proposals for the Decentralized BLURT Fund and getProposalVotes for the list of voters to the proposals. More info: https://dblurt.beblurt.com/classes/condenserapi.html#getproposalvotes

dblurt is available on:

gitlab: https://gitlab.com/beblurt/dblurt
npm: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@beblurt/dblurt
and a documentation generated using TypeDoc is available at https://dblurt.beblurt.com/


You are not a dev but still want to support the development on Blurt? It's easy and it doesn't cost you anything!

Just vote for my witness here: https://beblurt.com/@nalexadre/witness
or here https://blurtwallet.com/~witnesses?highlight=nalexadre

And/or for the many other developers on Blurt with a Witness ;)

Have fun

BeBlurt frontend Blurt: https://beblurt.com

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